Breathe Easy: Mutelcor's Smart CO₂ LoRa wireless Sensor for Indoor Air Quality
During the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers discovered a notable link between CO₂ levels and the spread of the virus. They found that higher CO₂ concentrations were associated with faster transmission of the virus, as elevated CO₂ indicated poor ventilation and a higher likelihood of inhaling exhaled air containing the virus. Wireless CO2 Lora Sensor Further studies revealed that CO₂ levels exceeding 1000 ppm could lead to symptoms such as drowsiness, loss of concentration, and fatigue. As CO₂ levels rise to 2500 ppm, headaches may occur. Prolonged exposure to high CO₂ levels can also result in serious health conditions like Hypercapnia. In many European countries, CO₂ wireless sensors are mandatory in classrooms and other indoor spaces. This requirement stems from the need to manage indoor air quality without compromising heating efficiency. Steering the ventilation with devices like the Mutelcor Smart CO2 LoRa Sensor can ensure theIn colder climates, ventilation systems can lead to he...